
Financial Graduation Feasibility Study

Assessing the scope of developing a market-led financial graduation model in Northern Kenya
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This paper examines opportunities to support a financial graduation model, targeting the extremely poor and food insecure who receive cash transfers under the Hunger Safety Net Program (HSNP). It also uses findings to consider the feasibility of implementing financial graduation programming by Financial Sector Deepening (FSD) in Northern Kenya and covers the following sections in detail:

  • Meaning of the term ‘Financial Graduation’ in the context of Northern Kenya;
  • Findings of field work undertaken in Marsabit and Turkana counties that involved interviews with individuals, community groups, and stakeholder organizations regarding country-level market opportunities;
  • Findings of the field work in terms of household-and-community-level financial inclusion and market engagement;
  • Examination of which recommendations from the paper “Markets and Poverty in Northern Kenya – Towards a financial graduation model” can be included in a financial graduation model and proposal of interventions to fill key gaps in the model;
  • Recommendations of the study with a focus on essential market functioning conditions, meso-level interventions, support savings group programming, and development of value chains.

About this Publication

By Fittzgibbon, C., Venton, C.C.