
Reducing Adolescent Girls' Vulnerability to HIV Infection: Examining Microfinance and Sustainable Livelihood Approaches

Microfinance's role in reducing girls' vulnerability to HIV infection in developing countries
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This review focuses on the suitability of youth-centered microfinance and sustainable livelihoods programs to prevent HIV infection among vulnerable female adolescents in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Adapting traditional microfinance to meet the needs of this sub-group could benefit not only these adolescents but also the microfinance industry. Following are key findings of the review:

  • MFIs need to urgently devise effective program strategies to prevent HIV infection among vulnerable groups of female adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa;
  • Traditional microfinance programs can address some structural risk factors for HIV vulnerability amongst older adolescents;
  • Regular access to savings, safe social groups and non-judgmental mentors are more relevant than credit for younger adolescents;
  • New or “second-generation” program strategies to reach these vulnerable adolescents can be built on current adolescent programs.

Youth-centered sustainable livelihood programs offer a promising platform to implement HIV prevention strategies that address a range of risk factors for adolescent girls. Finally, the paper states that international HIV/AIDS donors should direct funding towards financial incentives, underwriting MFI risks and research regarding HIV/AIDS.

About this Publication

By Lukas, T.