Uses and Users of MFI Loans in Bangladesh
Diversity in MFI loan usage in Bangladesh
2 pages
This paper describes the 'financial diaries' methodology followed in Grameen II, and illustrates the financial behavior of 53 households in Bangladesh. The method involved helps the members in:
- Making diaries of their financial activities,
- Observing their loan usage patterns over a period of two or three years.
The paper provides data on the loan sources, both formal and informal, and the corresponding amounts.
- Out of the 53 'diarists,' 43 borrowed 239 loans from MFIs, which were worth $39,000.
- The borrowers used the loans for:
- Trading or retail business stock;
- Asset acquisition or maintenance;
- On-lending to others;
- Payment of other debts;
- Consumption;
- Mixed uses.
The paper broadly discusses the major findings of the study and states that:
- Most MFI loans could be allocated to a single broad category of use;
- Some part of the loans was held back for repayments;
- Some members handed over the loans to their family members;
- The loan sizes varied from $80 (lowest, for consumption) to $200 (highest, for business or on-lending).
Concluding on the study, the paper infers that contrary to the MFI expectation, not every loan is utilized in a microenterprise.
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