
Remittances, Microfinance and Development: Building the Links (Volume 1: A Global View)

How can the microfinance industry maximize the developmental impacts of remittances?
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This book presents a global view on the relationship between remittances, microfinance and development. In ten chapters, the book discusses the following:

  • Potential of remittances as a development option and key issues to be considered;
  • Scenario of migration in the South Pacific and the role of remittances as an investment against vulnerability in this area;
  • Mismatched perceptions of remittance obligations among remittance senders and recipients;
  • Relationship between trade liberalization, remittances, poverty and income distribution of households in Ghana;
  • Potential of money transfers to take advantage of the market opportunity;
  • Important issues in the relationship between remittances and the intermediation of microfinance institutions (MFIs);
  • Money transfer services in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda to study how money moves in cash-based markets;
  • Development and governance issues in the context of remittances, microfinance and community informatics;
  • Evidence from Sri Lanka about the role of overseas migration in the household economies of microfinance clients.

About this Publication

By Shaw, J.