Notification for Establishing a Commercial Bank
How can a company establish a commercial bank in Thailand?
9 pages
This document sets out the rules, procedures and conditions for establishing a commercial bank in Thailand. It is divided into four chapters listed below.
General provisions, including:
- Definitions of terms like commercial banks, retail banks, net capital funds, impaired assets, total assets, etc;
- A stipulation on the maximum amounts of various kinds of loans;
- The conditions for application.
Qualifications for an applicant eligible to apply to establish a commercial bank, including:
- Qualification as a finance company;
- Possession of high quality management;
- Maintenance of the ratio of net capital funds to risk weighted assets, etc.
The submission of the application to establish a commercial bank - it states that the company must submit:
- Its application to The Bank of Thailand;
- Documents that include:
- A business plan;
- Projected financial statements;
- Details of the organizational structure, etc.
- Details of the Board and its sub-committees;
- Details of each shareholder;
- A work plan to facilitate the undertaking of commercial banking business, with evidence to ensure full compliance with certain conditions.
The commercial banking license review process, which includes:
- A committee review of the application to establish a commercial bank;
- A submission of the list of qualified applicants and necessary documents;
- Suggestions on mergers, acquisitions, etc.
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