The Microfinance and Self-employment Environment for the Socially Excluded: Country Report Spain
What lessons can countries learn from Spain's experience with microfinance and self-employment?
8 pages
This country report for Spain on "The microfinance and self-employment environment for the socially excluded" presents the following findings:
- Unemployment is the biggest category under people at risk;
- Social exclusion is a gender problem;
- There are large regional differences in Spain in relation to poverty;
- Immigration into the country is a new phenomenon for Spain;
- There are an increasing number of young people under the homeless category.
The report examines the following aspects of microfinance in Spain:
- The entrepreneurial context;
- Policy for micro-enterprises;
- The "welfare bridge";
- Legal framework for microfinance providers;
- Financial bridge for the socially excluded;
- Funding for microcredit providers.
The report states that the environment in Spain for microfinance and self-employment has improved in terms of culture, policy, organizations and institutions. It concludes by presenting the following lessons that other European countries can learn from Spain:
- Bridging the social, employment and financial systems in such a way that there is a "one-stop-shop" for those wanting to be self-employed.
- An integrated approach to self employment and microfinance for the socially excluded in terms of the policy and legal framework.
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