
Examining Design and Innovations in Rural Finance For Addressing Current and Future Challenges

What makes rural finance so vulnerable?
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This paper lists twelve key challenges to rural finance service provision. They include:

Vulnerability constraints:

  • Systemic risks such as fluctuations in the weather, diseases, etc;
  • Market risks such as seasonal and cyclical price fluctuations of agricultural commodities;
  • Credit risk like the lack of collateral as well as other support services and information networks.

Operational constraints:

  • Investment returns are slow and have low profit margins;
  • Low investment and assets, a result of poverty, reduce borrowings and savings capacity;
  • Geographical dispersion and the low density of population make access and communication difficult resulting in an increase in costs.

Capacity constraints:

  • Lack of infrastructure, which includes poor communication, bad roads, unequipped schools and lack of health and social services;
  • Lack of technical capacity and training, preventing the rural population from being able to access and adapt to new technology and employment;
  • Social exclusion such as cultural, linguistic, gender, racial, religious and educational constraints that affect market and financial integration;
  • Lack of institutional capacity, including lack of management and technical capacity, competitive viability, economic integration and risk-bearing capacity.

Political and regulatory constraints:

  • Political and social interference that cause uncertainty;
  • Lack of regulations and a lack of their enforcement, which hinder development.

The paper concludes by stressing the importance of finding appropriate responses to these challenges.

About this Publication

By Miller, C.