Side-by-Side - A Slice of Microfinance Operations in India 2004
How efficient have the microfinance organizations been in India?
34 pages
This paper presents a report of the financial and operational data of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in India for the financial year 2003-2004. The report studied the dominant microfinance models and legal forms and was based on the core six financial performance indicators.
The paper presents the following details of the report:
- Analyzed 53 MFIs;
- Classified MFIs by:
- Microfinance models,
- Legal form,
- Number of years of microfinance operations,
- Working methodology;
- Assessed outreach by region and by operational model;
- Studied active clients - clients of savings are more than clients of other services;
- Analyzed creation of poor's access to credit, insurance, savings and other services.
The paper also discuses Sa-Dhan's endeavor in setting financial performance standards. Using the categories of sustainability, portfolio quality and efficiency, Sa-Dhan arrived at:
- A common set of reliable indicators to be measured;
- A common methodology for calculating these indicators;
- An agreed benchmark for each indicator.The paper then presents a snap-shot of the performance indicators of 42 MFIs.
The paper concludes that the report shows:
- The MFIs in India show readiness to be transparent in their operational and financial dealings;
- The outreach figures are encouraging;
- More progress has been made in the southern region;
- The presence of companies and self-help-groups has emerged as a prominent feature of providing finance to the poor on their own terms.
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