
Creating Rural Entrepreneurs 2000-2004

Can skills training create productive income generating assets to enhance rural income?
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This paper provides information on the activities of SRT Rural Institute explaining the context of its innovative use of skill training for rural masses as a sustainable income generation asset to enhance rural income. The paper discusses the SRT approach to entrepreneurship by explaining its training module, which does not offer readymade solutions but creates capacity for entrepreneurship.

SRT rural institute attempts to demystify technologies and builds capacity using the following tools:

  • Standardized training module;
  • Standardized technologies;
  • Customized entrepreneurship development program;
  • Linkages with formal financial institutions.

The paper discusses the long-term plan of SRT Rural Institute. This plan intends to reach out to more than half a million trainees by the year 2010 and expects to make a major impact on rural poverty.

The paper concludes by listing the following major achievements by SRT Rural Institute:

  • 94% of the trainees are earning;
  • 83% of the trainees have come above the poverty level;
  • The range of income enhancement varies from Rupees 1560 to Rupees 180,000.

About this Publication

By Soami, R., Jha, A.