
2003 Amendment to the Microenterprise for Self-Reliance Act

Amendments to two acts to increase assistance for poor people through microenterprise development
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This document presents amendments to the Microenterprise for Self-Reliance Act and the Micro- and Small-Enterprise Development Credits Program under the Foreign Assistance Act that aim to increase assistance for the poorest people in developing countries under microenterprise assistance programs.

The document sets out the amendments to the Microenterprise for Self-Reliance Act, detailing:

  • Purposes of the amendment;
  • The sections that are struck out;
  • Definitions of various terms.

The document then sets out the amendments to the second Act that it mentions in the areas of:

  • Findings and policy;
  • Program;
  • Eligibility criteria;
  • Additional requirements;
  • Availability of funds;
  • Authorization;
  • Monitoring system;
  • Conforming amendment to section 108 of the Act;
  • Development and application of poverty measurement methods;
  • Development and certification of poverty measurement methods and application of methods;
  • Levels of assistance.

The document concludes by stipulating rules for:

  • The report to Congress;
  • Reports for the year 2006 and beyond.

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