
Empowering the Poor - Local Governance for Poverty Reduction

What is UNCDF's strategy on poverty reduction
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This paper outlines the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)'s approach to poverty reduction. The paper is divided in two parts. The first part describes:

  • Evolution of UNCDF's poverty reduction approaches from investments in physical capital and infrastructure to education and health services;
  • Current initiatives on poverty and poverty reduction;
  • Major conferences and summits organized and attended
  • Poverty reduction strategies of major multilateral and bilateral organizations focused around:
    • Reaching the poorest, least empowered people and groups in the least developed countries;
    • Better planning and coordination for integrating various components of sustainable, multi-sectorial development over individual projects.

The second part of the paper highlights:

  • UNCDF's mandate to help reduce poverty through local development programs and microfinance operations;
  • Addressing specific dimensions of poverty, namely:
    • Lack of power,
    • Inadequate access to social services,
    • Insecure livelihood and vulnerability;
  • Key Perspectives on poverty and governance:
    • Empowering people to reduce poverty,
    • Supporting administrative/political decentralization,
    • Fostering the impact of governance on public service.

The paper also presents a framework for action on the UNCDF strategy which involves:

  • Defining a strategic tool for poverty reduction;
  • Adopting an integrated and iterative approach;
  • Targeting the poor.

Finally, the paper reiterates UNCDF and its partners' commitment to poverty reduction within the framework of the MDGs.

About this Publication

By Bonfiglioli, A.