
Microcredit Organizations and Savings Mobilization in Bosnia and Herzegovina: An Assessment for USAID

Will the transformation of microcredit organizations into deposit-taking organizations help growth?
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This study aims to answer the following questions:

  • Does a demand for deposit services exists within the markets served by microcredit organizations (MCOs)?
  • Are the MCOs are interested in pursuing such a solution to long-term sustainability?
  • If they were to transform deposit taking organizations, how should such a transformation be implemented?

The paper discusses:

  • Level of interest from MCOs;
  • Market demand;
  • The role of banks;
  • Savings mobilization as a strategy for sustainability.

The study finds that:

  • MCOs would like to have the ability to accept deposits;
  • There is a demand for savings products in the rural and economically disadvantaged population;
  • Banks are unlikely to serve those needs.

The paper recommends that:

  • MCOs should become stronger financially and diversify their activities;
  • They should tap into the informal market;
  • MCOs that transform into deposit-taking organizations should receive long-term technical assistance;
  • Donors should provide such assistance.

The paper concludes by examining the impact of MCOs turning into deposit-taking organizations:

  • MCOs will begin to capture savings that are not currently in the financial system;
  • These additional resources will expand MCOs' liquidity for lending;
  • A major segment of the population will have access to a more formal form of savings;
  • It will encourage entrepreneurship and economic growth.

About this Publication

By Montoya, M., McNeil, J.