Micro-Credit and Rural Poverty: An Analysis of Empirical Evidence
Do NGO-led microcredit schemes work better at poverty alleviation than state-led schemes?
11 pages
This paper reviews empirical evidence on non-government-organization (NGO) - led microcredit programs in several developing countries, and compares them with state-led poverty alleviation schemes in India.
The paper examines the performance of the NGO-led microcredit system on the basis of a set of indicators that include:
- Targeting the poor;
- Increase in earning and asset holdings of the poor;
- Employment generation and skill improvement;
- Financial viability.
The paper is divided into four sections as follows:
- Section 1 brings out the context in which the NGO-led microcredit alternative has emerged in literature and policy-making;
- Section 2 discusses the concept and features of microcredit institutions beginning with the Grameen Bank;
- Section 3:
- Compares the available empirical evidence on microcredit programs and institutions with state-led credit-based poverty alleviation programs and institutions in India;
- Discusses issues involved in the expansion and replication of Grameen-type programs and institutions across various countries.
The paper concludes that:
- NGO-led microcredit programs have been successful in reaching their target groups more effectively than state-led ones;
- However, they have been able to bring about only a marginal improvement in the beneficiaries' income;
- The beneficiaries have not gained much by way of technological improvements, given the emphasis on survival skills;
- In Bangladesh, the practice of repayment of Grameen Bank loans by taking fresh loans from moneylenders has resulted in the creation of 'debt cycles'.
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