
Signposts to the Provision of Market Led Microfinancial Services

How do you assess whether a MFI is becoming a market-led institution?

This paper identifies and lists the 'signposts' that indicate that a MFI is moving towards becoming a market-led institution.

It finds that a commitment to providing market led micro-financial services touches upon every aspect of a financial institution. These include:

  • Vision and mission statements - focus on profitability through designing, developing and delivering quality customer-responsive financial services;
  • The executive functions that:
    • Focus on customers;
    • Ensure congruence of goals and activities between marketing and operations
    • Develop a competent senior management;
    • Are knowledge based and opportunity focused;
    • Bring awareness of the competition.
  • Development and retaining customer focused staff through investing in:
    • Training on delivering client focused services;
    • Internal communications;
    • Innovative mechanisms to build staff capacity;
    • Well-designed incentive schemes.
  • Retaining a strong customer focus throughout the 'front office" operations such as:
    • Annual marketing audits;
    • Customer-focused research into customer requirements;
    • A strong brand name in the marketplace;
    • A customer charter;
    • A feedback loop;
    • A pleasant banking environment;
    • Proactive customer communications.
  • "Back office" operations that support continually improving products and processes, such as:
    • Well-developed costing systems;
    • Regular process audits;
    • Well-written, self-explanatory procedure manuals;
    • Demand-led market research;
    • Well-developed information technology systems;
    • An innovation reserve;
    • Active data-mining to ensure delivery of high quality services;
    • Active risk assessment and management.

About this Publication

By Cracknell, D.