
Group-based Financial Institutions for the Rural Poor in Bangladesh: An Institutional- and Household-Level Analysis

Do NGOs target their services in underdeveloped regions or do they locate in better endowed areas?

Report states that nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) in Bangladesh have provided millions of poor rural people with savings and credit services at low cost. Services have reduced poverty; may have improved food security and nutrition; achieved positive social change.


  • Analyses the fit between the rural poor and three key representative microfinance NGOs;
  • Evaluates the effects of microfinance credit programs on household resource allocation, income generation, food and non-food consumption, and the social attitudes and capacities of members;
  • Suggests that microfinance institutions should be expanded, but with careful attention to cost and financial sustainability.

About this Publication

By Zeller, M., Sharma, M., Ahmed, A., Rashid, S.F.