
Regulation No. 2001/24 Amending UNMIK Regulation No. 1999/20 on the Banking and Payments Authority of Kosovo

Better financial institutions and systems through the Banking and Payments Authority of Kosovo
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The original United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) Regulation No. 1999/20 on the Banking and Payments Authority of Kosovo (BPK) came into force on 15th November 1999. The present amendment to the original regulation vide Regulation No. 2001/24 is to enhance the authority of the BPK.

The purpose of this amendment is to strengthen the economy in Kosovo by providing efficient and sound financial institutions and systems through the BPK. The amendment lays out guidelines pertaining to the following topics for the BPK:

  • Legal status and administrative powers;
  • Objectives of the organization;
  • Authorized capital and other financial provisions;
  • Administration and governance;
  • Relations with entities of the UNMIK;
  • Relations with financial institutions and payment systems functions;
  • Foreign exchange regulation and operations;
  • Currency management;
  • Financial statements, audits and reports.

The amended regulation has been in force since 1st October, 2001.

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