
Microfinance in Russia: Support to the Development of Small Entrepreneurship: Policy Paper

Is the environment in Russia conducive to the development of small and micro enterprises?
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This paper discuses the importance of developing an enabling environment for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. It discusses:

  • The aim of the study;
  • The role of the Government at this stage of sector development;
  • Five types of institutions in the microfinance delivery system.

The paper identifies the following four areas of concern and makes recommendations for each of these:

1) Lack of policy framework

Recommendations include: 

  • Government recognition of the sector;
  • Creation and maintenance of a level playing field;
  • Mandate for non-banking financial institutions to be involved in microfinance;
  • Role of the Government in the creation of an enabling environment;
  • Need for microfinance institutions (MFIs) to be viable and financially sustainable;
  • Protection of microfinance funds against erosion through inflation.

2) Ambiguity in federal regulation in respect to microfinance

Recommendations include:

  • Amendment in the law that treats microlending as a commercial activity;
  • Exemption of MFIs not involved in deposit taking from licensing;
  • Development of a separate legislation for credit unions in consultation with international experts.

3) Unfavorable tax regime for microfinance providers and borrowers

Recommendations include:

  • Exemption of all MFIs from value added tax (VAT) on interest revenue;
  • Waiving of profit tax for MFIs.

4) Limited delivery capacity

Recommendations include:

  • Harmonization of the regulatory environment;
  • Promotion of a second tier MFI in the private sector;
  • Information center for microfinance.

About this Publication

By European Commission