
Diversity in Rural Incomes: Issues Affecting Access at Household Levels

Factors affecting access to non-farm employment
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This presentation discusses reasons why poor people in rural areas seek opportunities to diversify income. It also examines factors affecting poor people's access to non-farm employment.

The presentation states that the rural poor diversify incomes in order to smooth income and consumption patterns, increase incomes, reduce risk and improve long-run income prospects. Distress and inadequate agricultural incomes push landless or small farmers into poorly paid non-farm sector employment. It is also true, however, that demand helps agricultural workers seize more remunerative employment opportunities in the non-farm sector. Factors affecting access to non-farm employment by poor households include:

  • Health and nutrition;
  • Education;
  • Finance;
  • Land ownership;
  • Social networks;
  • Household composition;
  • Infrastructure.

Finally, the paper recommends that policy intervention and research should focus on heterogeneity, infrastructure, pro-poor focus an enabling environment, social networks, financial services, decentralization of government and education.

About this Publication

By Gordon, A.