
An Assessment of the Impact of Microfinance Services in Uganda: Baseline Findings (Volume 2)

The impact of programs on clients, their households and enterprises
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Presents the baseline findings of a two-stage assessment on the impact of microfinance services in Uganda. Identifies the impacts of programs on clients, their households and enterprises. Also examines the linkages between rural and urban micro-entrepreneurs and the agricultural sector . The client and non-client participants all possess the following three characteristics: the respondent is the sole owner or co- owner of a micro-enterprise, has been involved in the enterprise during the last two months and their enterprise generates a weekly cash flow.

Findings and analysis cover basic characteristics of respondents and their households: sources of income, uses of income, financial services, empowerment and agricultural sector linkages. Results reveal similarities and differences between a group of clients from three microfinance programs and a comparison group of micro-entrepreneurs who are not clients.

[Author's abstract]

About this Publication

By Barnes, C., Morris, G., Gaile, G.