Displaying 31 - 40 of 194

Commercial Relationships Between Savings Groups and Financial Service Providers: Considerations in Developing a Business Model for Linkages

Overview of challenges and opportunities FSPs face when forming relationships with Savings Groups

Understanding the Impact of Savings Groups

Systematic review of 53 studies from 2004 to 2017 which measure participant well-being

A Typology of Relationships Between Savings Groups and Financial Service Providers

Classifying the different types of linkages to facilitate research, comparisons, and contracts
Guide / Toolkit

Disaster Risk Reduction for Financial Service Providers: Promising Practices for Building Resilience

Curriculum with flexible, ready-to-use guide, instructional materials and key learnings

Mechanisms to Improve Client Protection Practices in Rwanda

Overview of assessments and action plans undertaken by Rwandan MFIs and SACCOs
Case Study

Responsible Finance: The Making of Association-Led Client Grievance Redress Mechanisms - Experiences of AMFIU in Uganda and Consortium Alafia in Benin

Processes and lessons learned in implementing complaint resolution systems
Guide / Toolkit

Delivering Formal Financial Services to Savings Groups: A Handbook for Financial Service Providers

Reference guide to help FSPs design solutions that respond to the needs of savings groups

Evidence, Hope, and Hype: A Review of the Literature Concerning Commercial Relationships Between Savings Groups and Financial Service Providers

Classifying the different types of linkages between savings groups and providers