Displaying 31 - 40 of 164

Driving Women’s Financial Inclusion in Nigeria by Leveraging Agent Networks

The Central Bank of Nigeria, supported by the Alliance for Financial Inclusion, developed and launched the Framework for Advancing Women’s Financial Inclusion in Nigeria, aiming to close the gap by 2024.


Women’s Agent Network—the Missing Link in India’s Financial Inclusion Story: A Supply-Side Perspective

The business correspondent model in India enables the banking system to expand its outreach at a low cost and offer essential financial services in remote and underserved areas. This paper share a supply-side perspective on challenges and opportunities for expanding women agent network in India.


Designing Interoperable Agent Banking Business Model for ARB Apex Bank in Ghana

The main objectives of the assignment were to design agency banking business model, map potential agents’ locations throughout the country, and provide technical assistance for branding, advertising, consumer education and industry sensitization on agency banking. 

FinDev Blog

How To Get a Historic Bilateral Deal to Share Agent Banking Infrastructure

Scale2Save partners FINCA and Centenary Bank in Uganda go from competition to cooperation, sharing service-distribution infrastructure for the benefit of end-user low-income customers.


Tax Reforms to Increase the Viability of Business Correspondents

This policy note argues that two key taxation issues are hindering the sustainability and attractiveness of the business correspondent model in India and that addressing them could help advance financial inclusion.

Slide Deck

Gender and Cash In / Cash Out (CICO) Networks

This slide deck shows how to apply a gender lens to CICO network development and presents case studies that demonstrate how gender-intentional design works in practice.

Slide Deck

Impact of COVID-19 on CICO Agents in Indonesia

This study assesses the impact of COVID-19 on the demand for financial services through agents and agent operations. It seeks to understand the ability of agents to support government assistance programs.


Coronavirus Pandemic Spawns Nigeria Banking Agent Boom

Mobile money firms across Africa are ramping up plans to bring banking to millions after the pandemic caused a surge in the use of digital financial services.


State of Agent Banking in Himachal Pradesh

Based on extensive fieldwork spanning approximately 1000 person-days across 301 locations, this report aims to advance the understanding of India's agent banking model. It presents operational practices of the banking agents as well as the financial behavior of rural banking clients.