
A Pragmatic Solution to a Business Continuity Problem Arising out of the COVID-19 Crisis: The Monitoring Application That Allows Customers to Be Served at a Distance

In partnership with the Mastercard Foundation,  AccessHolding was able to provide a very pragmatic and fast-paced solution to its network banks. The solution is based on a collaboration between the task force members, the business managers in the banks, and a French tech company: Juakali.

Within a few days, the project was set up: Juakali would provide a web-based interface for the loan officers (they can access it from their smartphones in the convenience of their homes), allowing AccessBank staff to collect business impact data from customers via phone and log all collected data to the platform. Based on the financial impact on the business, the application would score the result and provide a restructuring solution that was then validated by a supervisor on the same platform. The loan was then restructured.