Development of a NFIS for Honduras

The primary goal of this Request for Proposal is to engage a skilled consulting firm with expertise in gender-responsive financial inclusion to formulate a comprehensive National Financial Inclusion Strategy for Honduras.

This strategy should focus intently on overcoming gender-specific barriers to financial inclusion. Existing data (from Findex, CNBS, etc.) points to several areas for investigation such as account ownership gaps, savings behaviors, access to credit, and the adoption of digital financial solutions. This project seeks to bridge these gaps and foster greater financial opportunities for all Hondurans, especially women.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Gender Lens: Develop the NFIS process through a strong gender lens, analyzing financial inclusion trends and gaps through the unique experiences of Honduran women.
  • Data-Driven: Data-centric assessments backed by available Honduran statistics on financial inclusion.
  • Sustainability: Creation of a lasting, sustainable strategy that leverages Honduras' existing infrastructure and addresses identified weaknesses.
  • Leadership and collaboration: Identifying the institutional, legislative, and regulatory mechanisms to lead, coordinate and ensure an effective collaboration within the different stakeholders during the implementation phase.

About this Opportunity

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Remote work