Guide / Toolkit

Mentoring Social Performance Management: Guidelines for Mentors Supporting Financial Institutions to Analyse, Prioritize, and Ensure Implementation of Social Performance Management

Mentor guide providing a comprehensive roadmap for effective mentorship
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This Mentoring Guide is a resource for people (“mentors”) supporting financial institutions (FIs) in improving their social performance management (SPM). It is based on the experience of mentors who have been trained as part of Oikocredit’s SPM Mentoring Programme, which has been implemented in collaboration with CERISE and Terrafina since 2010. The guide aims to provide a comprehensive roadmap for effective mentorship. It helps both parties—the individual mentor and the mentee institution—set clear and realistic expectations. Then it walks them through the steps in the mentoring process, provides extensive annexes with templates for progress reports and assessments, and presents real-world case studies.

The guide is a resource that organizations and individual technical service providers can use to provide mentoring support to their investee, partners, or clients. It focuses on what a mentor does rather than the skills needed for effective mentoring. Therefore, this Guide should ideally accompany additional formal training.

Oikocredit, CERISE, and Terrafina have used this mentoring approach in nine countries in East and West Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. This guide draws on practical experience from more than 20 organizations. Case study information has been anonymized, and, in some cases, adapted to improve clarity.

About this Publication

By Simanowitz, A.