Guide / Toolkit

Offering Youth Financial and Non-Financial Services (Modules I-IV)

Series of trainer's guides for financial service providers interested in serving youth
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This toolkit contains Modules I-IV of the trainer's guide series prepared by UNCDF-YouthStart. The goal of this guide is to facilitate the replication of the trainings and to help other financial service providers (FSPs) understand key issues, train staff, and launch youth-oriented services. These Trainer’s guides are specifically designed for:

  • FSPs that may or may not be offering financial and non-financial services to young clients and that would like to explore an adapted approach to serving youth; and,
  • Technical assistance providers supporting FSPs to start offering youth financial and nonfinancial services.

This guide includes the following four modules, each covering an essential aspect of providing financial and non-financial services to youth. Each module is relevant at a specific phase of product development:

  1. Module I: Youth Development Programming: To help FSPs to design specifically youth-oriented programs;
  2. Module II: Pilot Testing Youth Financial Services: To help FSPs to design and implement pilot tests for the youth financial services they will offer;
  3. Module III: Integration of Youth Financial and Non-Financial Services: To help FSPs to integrate financial and non-financial services for youth and to monitor the quantity and quality of the nonfinancial services being delivered by their institutions and/or partner institutions;
  4. Module IV: Client Protection Principles for Youth: To equip FSPs to apply The Smart Campaign’s client protection principles and the Child and Youth Finance International certification criteria to their products for young people.

View Module V: Monitoring Outcomes of a Youth Programme - Lot Quality Assurance Sampling

About this Publication

By Perdomo, M., Muñoz, L., Cea, C., Singh, B., Tsuan, C., Nyaga, J., Massie, J.