Case Study

Operational Framework for Microenterprise Promotion in APRLP Watersheds

How to improve livelihoods in rural Andhra Pradesh?
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This paper outlines a detailed plan to generate employment in 500 watershed villages in Andhra Pradesh, India. As per the author:

  • The largely unorganized and rural labour in the villages lack the following:
    • Information about demand centres among semi-skilled labourers;
    • Credit facilities, leading to the formation of Self Help Groups (SHGs);
    • Knowledge about new market opportunities;
    • Infrastructure, such as electricity, transport facilities, efficient telecommunications, etc.
  • These problems can be solved by the integration of diverse development projects for sustainable rural livelihoods, with the local people being the primary stakeholders;
  • Development projects should target the poorest areas first;
  • Micro, meso and macro market links should be strengthened;
  • Information and communication links, security nets, insurance, technology and infrastructure need to be improved;
  • The SHGs have to be strengthened. Also, various private sector units have to be involved in the generation of capital;
  • It is important to form a group involving the government, NGOs and private institutions, which, while being a resource group would also provide support services to all enterprises in the community;
  • The approach, goals and methodology of some of the organizations that are contributors in this field:
    • Swami Ramanada Tirtha Rural Institute (SRTRI);
    • Marketing and Research Team (MART);
    • Livelihood and Resource Centre(LRC).

About this Publication

By Soami, R.