Case Study

Selected South African Microfinance Case Studies in Rural Financing

Why did the South African Microfinance Institutions fail?
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This paper attempts to contribute to the theme of Commercialization: Profitability versus quality based on the failures of microfinance institutions like the Provident South Africa (PSA).

The author highlights some salient features of the South African rural microfinance:

  • 49% people live below the minimum living standard;
  • The country has only five commercial banks, controlling 80% of the assets;
  • Since the creation of Khula, only fourteen MFI and 15 micro credit organizations have survived.

As per the author, major causes for the failure of the MFIs were:

  • Poor collection performance;
  • Unacceptable levels of bad debt;
  • Uncontrollable fraud.

The author suggests the following policy recommendations:

  • Measuring performance by the quality of loans, rather than their quantum;
  • Providing business development services to reduce the risk of doing business
  • Reducing the impact of HIV pandemic as it leads to default due to increased medical and related costs for the clients.

About this Publication

By Bbenkele, K. E.