Displaying 461 - 470 of 511
Guide / Toolkit

Microfinance for Microenterprise: A Source Book for Donors

How donors can help in developing a sustainable microfinance sector?

Building Effective Financial Structures for Fast-Growing MFIs

The role of equity investments in microfinance
Case Study

Raising Capital Through Equity Investments in MFIs: Lessons From ACLEDA, Cambodia

What are the issues in equity investment in microfinance?

Fostering Successful Technical Assistance Partnerships

ASA's experience in providing technical assistance to MFIs

Business Development Services for Small Enterprises: Guiding Principles for Donor Intervention

What are the guiding principles for donor intervention on the development of Small Enterprises?

Developing Deposit Services for the Poor: Preliminary Guidance for Donors

Should you become involved in savings mobilisation?
Case Study

Innovative Approaches to Delivering Microfinance Services: The Managed ASCA Model in Kenya

Can the Accumulating Savings and Credit Associations model undermine donor interventions' positives?

Finance and E-finance for SMEs as a Means to Enhance Their Operations and Competitiveness

How can e-finance benefit small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries?

Assessing the Need for Microenterprises in Mexico to Borrow Start-Up Capital

Factors that determine demand for borrowed seed capital among microenterprises