Displaying 431 - 440 of 511
Case Study

Avoiding Apex Pitfalls: Local Initiatives Departments of Bosnia and Herzegovina

How to create a successful apex fund?
Case Study

Vision and Consistency: USAID Support of Al Amana and the Law on Microfinance in Morocco

Supporting microfinance in Morocco
Case Study

Knowing When to Stop: The Case of UNDP Bangladesh

Exiting from ineffective microfinance projects
Case Study

Financial Market Development - Support from the Inter-American Development Bank Group 1990-2002

How did Inter-American Development Bank support Financial Market Development during 1990-2002?

Buyer and Supplier Credit to Farmers: Do Donors have a Role to Play?

Proceedings: Paving the Way Forward for Rural Finance: An International Conference on Best Practices

Financing Microfinance: Exploring the Funding Side of Microfinance Institutions

Can there be universally understood indicators in microfinance?

Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals?

Implementing microfinance with other policies to reduce poverty

Investing for Sustainable Growth: The Aavishkaar Experiment for Sustainable Financing

Equity funds for rural enterprises: How successful?

Microenterprise Support Within Community Development Financial Institutions

Lenders to micro entrepreneurs
Case Study

Case Study of DFCU Leasing Company - Uganda

How can leasing finance help small and medium enterprises in Uganda?