Displaying 421 - 430 of 511

Competitiveness: Strategy Document

How can international competitiveness of the Caribbean and the Latin American countries be improved?

Disclosure Guidelines for Financial Reporting by Microfinance Institutions

What are the guidelines in preparing audited or unaudited financial statements?
Case Study

Donor Collaboration and Transparency: Standardized Donor Reporting in Uganda

How to create a joint reporting format at the national level?

The Potential for Social Investment in Microfinance and Small Enterprise in Developing Countries

Why are socially responsible investors hesitant to invest in emerging markets?

Intermediating Capital To MFIs: A Survey of Financial Intermediation to Microfinance Institutions

Social investment capital: Bridging the gap between capital markets and MFIs
Case Study

Success in Rural Savings: How One Donor Led the Way

How to be a good donor?
Case Study

From Skepticism to Success: The World Bank and Banco do Nordeste in Brazil

How can effective donor assistance lead to a sustainable microfinance institution?
Case Study

Building a Microfinance Industry: USAID's PRET/FINNET in Haiti

How to build a microfinance industry?

Financing MFI Growth in Africa through Commercial Capital: A Seminar Report

AfriCap's effort to communicate the value of capital markets in developing the microfinance industry
Case Study

Avoiding Apex Pitfalls: Local Initiatives Departments of Bosnia and Herzegovina

How to create a successful apex fund?