Displaying 351 - 360 of 511

A Quality Label for Microfinance Funds in Luxembourg

Establishing Luxembourg as an attractive platform for funds specializing in financing MFIs

AusAID Regional Microfinance Support Facility

How can Australia step up its support to microfinance?

Social Return on Investment and Its Relevance to Microfinance

Is measuring social returns a better concept for assessing the impact of microfinance investments?

Capital Markets Stream: Conference Summary

Summary report of the “"Luxembourg Round Table on Microfinance”", 17-19 October 2005, Luxembourg

Equity & Leverage in Indian MFIs

Is there a need for an "Equity Fund" to stimulate the growth of microfinance in India?

Securitisation: A Funding Alternative for Microfinance Institutions? (Presentation)

Proceedings from "New Partnerships for Innovation in Microfinance', 2005, Heidelberg, Germany

MFI Financing Strategies and the Transition to Private Capital

How can a microfinance institution attract private investment?

Sources of Public Funding for Microenterprise Development in the United States

How is microenterprise development funded in the United States?

Development Assistance and Development Finance: Evidence and Global Policy Agendas

Impact of aid on growth and poverty reduction