Displaying 251 - 260 of 511

Report on the Performance of LuxFLAG-Labelled MIVs

Analyzing trends of microfinance investment vehicles

Benchmarking Equity Investment in Microfinance: The Vintage 2007 Results

Measuring changes in shareholder value of MFIs

Microfinance Wholesale Funds: The Case of China (Chinese version)

Could a Chinese microfinance wholesale fund contribute to the further development of the sector?

Microfinance Wholesale Funds: The Case of China (English Version)

Could a Chinese microfinance wholesale fund contribute to the further development of the sector?

Investing in Microfinance and Basel III

Investigating the rationale behind investment in microfinance
Guide / Toolkit

Donor Strategies for Advancing Social Performance through Microfinance Associations

Role of donors in promoting social performance
Case Study

Indian Microfinance Goes Public: The SKS Initial Public Offering

Implications of the first Indian MFI to go public

Microfinance Investment Vehicles Disclosure Guidelines

Clear guidelines for MIVs reporting to investors