Displaying 111 - 120 of 511

Symbiotics Launches Tameo, an Independent Spin-off Focusing on Enhancing Impact Funds With Support Services

The new company offers reference products to impact investors and fund managers, centered around research, impact and investment solutions.


Former Hong Kong Bourse Chief LI Plans New Microfinance Platform in 2021

Li told Reuters in an interview that in “traditional finance” investing in SMEs was rarely worthwhile for global institutions as the due diligence was difficult, risks were high and funding amounts small.


IFC, SANAD, BIO, Symbiotics Announce Loan to KCB Bank Kenya for Green Projects, SMEs

The loan aims to help the bank increase lending for climate-friendly projects and to smaller businesses, especially those owned by women.


IFC Initiative to Help Financial Institutions Support Small Businesses Disrupted by Pandemic

The new Base of the Pyramid Program will provide up to $400 million to microfinance institutions, non-bank financial institutions, and banks that are focused on micro, small, and medium enterprises.


2019 Trends in International Funding for Financial Inclusion

CGAP Funder Survey documenting global trends in funding for financial inclusion.


EIB, Jaida Loans Morocco EUR 10M to Support Microcredit Activity

This is a continuation of the EIB's action carried out for several years in favor of microfinance in Morocco and is part of the bank's response aimed at supporting  micro-entrepreneurs, in the context of the COVID-19 crisis.


KfW Development Bank Invests EUR 20 Million in the Regional MSME Investment Fund for Sub-Saharan Africa

This investment will help to finance small and medium enterprises with the objective to create jobs in nine countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, that have joined the G20 Compact with Africa program initiated by the German Government.


IFC’s $25 Million Investment in Nations Trust Bank to Help Sri Lankan Businesses Continue Operations, Preserve Jobs Amid COVID-19

The financing package will be used by Nations Trust Bank to help small and medium sized enterprises and corporates to stay afloat during the ongoing public health crisis.


EBRD Lends EUR 3.5 M to N. Macedonia's Procredit Bank for SMEs, Energy Efficiency

The loan is extended within the Western Balkans SME Competitiveness Support Program with the support by the EU, which is providing incentive payments and technical assistance.


EFSE and Vitas Expand Access to Local Currency Financing for Romanian MSEs

Senior loan equivalent of EUR 2 million to be on-lent to underserved local entrepreneurs to sustain small business operations.