Displaying 91 - 100 of 353

Insights From the 2021 Inclusive Fintech 50 Applicant Pool

This report examines application data from nearly 300 eligible fintech applicants from the 2021 Inclusive Fintech 50 competition to better understand the state of early-stage fintechs.


Gender-Intelligent Fintech Design: How Fintechs Can Capture the Female Economy

This report  quantifies the opportunity cost of not taking a gender-intelligent approach and lays out a map that fintechs can use to improve conversion rates of women through each stage of the funnel, equipping fintechs and their investors to take the steps to win the women’s market.

FinDev Interview

WhatsApp and Algorithms: How to Get Financing to Farmers in East Africa

The founders of Ugandan fintech Emata share how their solution is helping dairy farmers and their cooperatives access finance and manage operations.


Mastercard Opens Fintech, Cybersecurity Innovation Lab in Beersheba

The new center will focus on ransomware, digital identity and authentication, platform security, and fraud prevention.


Governments Look to Fintech Revolution to Drive Financial Inclusion

Digital advances are providing governments with unprecedented opportunities to improve rates of financial inclusion through fintech-driven programs and solutions.

External Webinar

SANAD Does Fintech: Raising Capital


Applications Open for the 2022 AFI Inclusive Fintech Showcase!

The initiative provides a stage for the world’s most promising fintech and regtech innovators that are enhancing access to and the usage and quality of formal financial services for low-income populations


COVID-19 and Fintechs in Bangladesh—Impact and Resilience

This collaborative fintech landscape study aims to understand the impact of the pandemic and resilience of the fintech ecosystem across Bangladesh.


Investing in Fintech for Greater Financial Inclusion

This publication looks at the evolution of the fintech industry and explores how fintech can be a tool for greater financial inclusion in emerging and developing markets.