All Publications

Showing 8141 - 8150 of 9057

Microlending: How ACCION USA Partners With Commercial Banks

What are the advantages of ACCION USA partnerships with commercial banks?
Case Study

Microsavings, Microcredit and Microinsurance: Financial Products of Small Farmer Co-operatives Ltd. in Nepal

What is the effect of applying technology on microfinance service delivery?

Mobilising Savings

What do MFIs need to remember before starting large scale savings mobilization?
Guide / Toolkit

Mutual Health Organisations and Micro-Entrepreneurs' Associations Guide

How do you create a mutual health insurance scheme?

NGO/RSPS/Cooperative - Transformation Guidelines (Draft)

Transformation Pakistani NGOs, rural support programs and cooperatives into microfinance banks

Pakistan: Criteria and Conditions for Grant of Licence for Establishing Microfinance Banks/Institutions

Regulation and supervision of microfinance banks/microfinance institutions in Pakistan

Pakistan: Penalty Scale for Microfinance Banks / Institutions

Penalty for violating statutory requirements

Pakistan: Prudential Regulations for Microfinance Banks/Institutions

Regulatory framework for microfinance banks/institutions licensed by the State Bank of Pakistan
Guide / Toolkit

Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) for Business Development Services: Progress Report on Impact Indicators Survey

Is the "performance measurement framework" a useful tool to track the progress of a BDS program?