All Publications

Showing 8071 - 8080 of 9057

Access to Credit and Its Impact on Welfare in Malawi 2001, Other USAID Supported Study

Do households who participate in credit programmes improve their living conditions?

Agricultural Development Bank Reform

Should agricultural development banks be ignored, closed or reformed?

An Empirical Analysis of Microfinance: Who are the Clients?

How does self-selection into a lending program affect the estimation of impact?
Guide / Toolkit

An Operational Tool for Evaluating Poverty Outreach of Development Policies and Projects

Examining tool that offers an objective and effective method for poverty evaluation

Are Small Farmer Co-operatives Ltd. (SFCLs) Viable Microfinance Organisations? A Comprehensive Financial Analysis of 33 SFCLs

Can Small Farmer Co-operatives function as efficient financial intermediaries?

Are You Poor Enough? Client Selection by Microfinance Institutions

Can you include the vulnerable non-poor in microfinance clientele?

Assessing the Need for Microenterprises in Mexico to Borrow Start-Up Capital

Factors that determine demand for borrowed seed capital among microenterprises
Guide / Toolkit

Basic Impact Assessment at Project Level

The core elements of impact assessment and its relation to enterprise development interventions

Building Businesses, Rebuilding Lives: Microenterprise and Welfare Reform

Can microenterprise help women overcome their barriers to employment?