All Publications

Showing 8061 - 8070 of 9057

Governing Development: Neoliberalism, Microcredit, and Rational Economic Woman

Impact of microcredit initiatives on poverty reduction and gender inequality

Microfinance Workshop Report for USAID/Zambia and Credit Management Services (CMS)

A workshop to inform managers about program design

Microfinance, Regulation and Uncollateralized Loans to Small Producers in Argentina

How can access to uncollaterised loans be improved for the small producers of Argentina?
Case Study

Microinsurance: A Case Study of an Example of the Full Service Model of Microinsurance Provision Self-Employed Women's Association (SEWA)

What are the four models used by organisations for providing microinsurance?

Regulation on Credit Risk Management

What are the provisions of Albania's regulation on credit risk management?

Savings and Asset Accumulation in IDAs (ADD Report 2001)

Do Individual Development Accounts work?

Securing Small Loans: The Transaction Costs of Taking Collateral

How can traditional collateralisation be made more efficient?

Technical Assistance to the Republic of the Philippines for Preparing the Microfinance for Rural Development Project

The role of the Asian Development bank in providing microfinance services in the Philippines
Guide / Toolkit

A Proposed Performance and Accountability Framework for Community Development Finance in the UK

CDFIs still have along way to go in terms of performance and accountability