All Publications

Showing 7341 - 7350 of 9056

Finance and Income Inequality: Test of Alternative Theories

Does the development of economy decrease income inequality?

IDB Group Support to the Small and Medium Enterprise Sector (1990-2002): Achievements, Lessons and Challenges

How has IDB's Small and Medium Enterprises development strategy worked?

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Microlending Organizations

The legal status, operations and liquidation of commercial and non-commercial microlending

Linking the Poor to Opportunity: The Microenterprise Development Initiative

USAID's microenterprise development strategy and highlights of its achievements in 2001

Microfinance Means Financial Services for the Poor

Can microfinance be made more sustainable by integrating it with overall financial systems?

Microfinance Sector Development Approach

What is meant by the 'Sector Development Approach' in microfinance?
Case Study

Organisational Review of Stromme Foundation

A performance assessment of Strømme Foundation and recommendations for its development efforts

Reducing Vulnerability: The Demand for Microinsurance

Can micro insurance be successful in Africa?