All Publications

Showing 8451 - 8460 of 9057
Case Study

Spinning Off for Sustainable Microfinance: Save the Children Federation into JWDS, Al Majmoua, and FATEN

Spinning off microfinance programs into new entities

The Microfinance Promise

What might microfinance deliver?

Building a Multi-Sectoral Response: Follow-up Assessment of Programming for Children and Families Affected by HIV/AIDS in Kenya

How can the social, health, and economic needs of those affected by HIV/AIDS be addressed?

Building Financial Institutions in Developing Countries

What is needed to create successful financial institutions?

Financial Sector Development and Savings Mobilisation: An Assessment

How to study the relationship between savings mobilization and financial sector development?

Management Information Systems for Microfinance: An Evaluation Framework

A framework for analyzing the quality of information systems

Microenterprise Lending to Female Entrepreneurs: Sacrificing Economic Growth for Poverty Alleviation?

How do male and female entrepreneurs differ in their use of credit?

Necessity as the Mother of Invention: How Poor People Protect Themselves Against Risk

How do poor protect themselves against risks?