All Publications

Showing 8921 - 8930 of 9056

Financial Services and Environmental Health: Household Credit for Water and Sanitation

Examining the role of microfinance in water supply and sanitation

Law of the National Bank of the Republic of Georgia

Defining the Roles and Responsibilities of the National Bank of the Republic of Georgia

Malawi: Directive on Foreign Currency Exposure Limits

The laws governing prudential limits within which foreign exchange positions may be held in Malawi

Providing Cost-Effective, Indirect Assistance to Microenterprises

Where can support be channelled most effectively?

Safeguarding Deposits: Learning from Experience

How can deposits remain secure in times of financial crisis?

State-Owned Agricultural Development Banks: An Untapped Infrastructure for Microfinance?

Can agricultural development banks restructure in order to deliver microcredit?

The Companies Act (Bangladesh), 1994

What are the provisions of the law that governs companies and other associations in Bangladesh?

The Hidden Beast: Delinquency in Microenterprise Credit Programs

Methods for managing delinquency in microenterprise credit programmes and control strategies