All Publications

Showing 8381 - 8390 of 9057
Guide / Toolkit

Improving Internal Control: A Practical Guide for Microfinance Institutions

How can MFIs integrate internal control and risk management into their savings and loans systems?

In Search of "Sound Practices" for Microfinance

Why we cannot presume best practice really is 'best' for everyone
Case Study

Integrating Empowerment in Microfinance: Case of a Self-help Group (SHG) Based Organisation

Evaluating impact of self-help groups on gender relations

Jordan: Banking Law of 2000

Law governing banks and banking activities in Jordan

Kenya: Microfinance Bill

Regulations for microfinance institutions in Kenya

Law on Banks

Laws governing the functions of banking entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Guide / Toolkit

Learning From Clients: Assessment Tools for Microfinance Practitioners

Five assessment tools and step by step instructions for practitioners to gather program information

Legislation, Regulation, and Supervision of Microfinance Institutions in Indonesia

The Indonesian environment for legislation, regulation and supervision of microfinance institutions

Lessons Learned in Rural Finance at the Inter-American Development Bank

Rural finance in Latin America: How can it be developed?