All Publications

Showing 121 - 130 of 148

Passing the Buck - Money Transfer Systems in Uganda and Tanzania: The Practice and Potential for Products

Is the demand for money transfer services still unmet in Uganda and Tanzania?

Potential for Leasing Products: Asset Financing for Micro- & Small Businesses in Tanzania and Uganda

What determines micro-leasing product preferences of small enterprise operators?

The Management of Risk Assets Regulations, 2001

A directive to facilitate asset management in banks
Case Study

Health Care Microinsurance - Case Studies from Uganda, Tanzania, India and Cambodia

What are appropriate microinsurance models?
Case Study

Microinsurance: A Case Study of an Example of the Mutual Model of Microinsurance Provision - UMASIDA

Reviewing the mutual model of health care financing

Compiling and Understanding the Flow of Funds in Developing Countries

Uses and analysis of Flow of Funds

The Liquid Asset Ratio Regulations, 2000

Directive issued by the Bank of Tanzania under the Banking and Finincial Institutions Act, 1991

Circular No. 05 on the Foreign Exchange Exposure and Placements, Purchases, Sales and Balances

Foreign exchange exposure, placements, purchases and sales in Tanzania

Predicting Creditworthiness with Publicly Observable Characteristics: Evidence from ASCRAs and RoSCAs in the Gambia

Is it possible to predict which households will gain access to informal finance?