All Publications

Showing 261 - 270 of 635

Beyond the Basics: How Smartphones Will Drive Future Opportunities for the Mobile Money Industry

Leveraging the opportunities created by shifts in mobile internet access and smartphone adoption
Guide / Toolkit

Mobile Money Policy and Regulatory Handbook

A range of key considerations for stakeholders in the mobile money industry

Riding (the) Rocket to Digitised Microfinance

A review of customers’ experiences with cashless loan and savings collections in Bangladesh

Spotlight on Mobile-Enabled Insurance Services

Can mobile microinsurance leapfrog traditional insurance models?

The Instant Payment Notification Hub: Exploring Its Utility Beyond Pay-As-You-Go Solar

Tool facilitating the delivery of fundamental utility services to off-grid populations
Slide Deck

Digital Finance for the Real Economy: Water

The role of digital finance in universal access to clean and affordable water

Digital Transformation of Microfinance and Digitization of Microfinance Services to Deepen Financial Inclusion in Africa

Policy and regulatory recommendations to facilitate digital transformation

Digitally-Enabled Cross-Border Remittances in Lesotho: Key Policy Considerations To Break Uptake Barriers

In-depth market analysis with recommendations for shifting remittances to regulated channels