All Publications

Showing 221 - 230 of 635
Guide / Toolkit

API Pricing for Digital Financial Service Providers: Getting Started

Guide to defining pricing strategies for application programming interface (API) products

Competition and Digital Financial Services

A solid framework for understanding how competition policy and regulation can affect the level playing field of DFS
Guide / Toolkit

Fintech Partnerships Playbook: How Donors Can Pursue Private Sector Engagement to Strengthen Digital Finance Ecosystems

This playbook aims to assist USAID staff, development practitioners, and donor stakeholders—to brainstorm and develop projects that take a purpose-driven approach to private sector engagement in digital finance.

Guide / Toolkit

Mobile Money Enabled Cash Aid Delivery

Operational handbook for mobile money providers

Potential Use Cases of Cryptocurrencies by Posts: A White Paper on Postal Financial Inclusion

What role can distributed ledger technology play in postal financial services?

Small Businesses and Digital Financial Services

Predictive modelling and segmentation for market sizing and product design

The State of Digital Microfinance in Bangladesh: A Digitization Snapshot 2019

Highlighting the benefits and opportunities in digitizing transactions

Data Protection in Mobile Money

An introductory piece on data processing, security, localization and sharing

Gender Centrality of Mobile Financial Services in Bangladesh

The findings of this research are based on a qualitative survey with 76 respondents which aimed to make sense of how and why women use DFS and offer recommendations for policy and practice.


Mobile Money: Key Success Factors of a National Financial Inclusion Strategy

Blueprint for policymakers on maximizing the benefits of mobile money