All Publications

Showing 211 - 220 of 635

The Digital Lives of Refugees: How Displaced Populations Use Mobile Phones and What Gets in the Way

Offering opportunities for stakeholders to increase understanding of how refugees use mobile money

Taxing Mobile Phone Transactions in Africa: Lessons From Kenya

Does taxation policy on micro-transactions have the potential to reverse financial inclusion?
Slide Deck

Financial Agency of Women in Pakistan

This study shares research findings on the barriers women in Pakistan face in accessing digital financial services (DFS).


Capturing Our Impact: Harnessing Innovation for Financial Inclusion

E-book showcasing stories, videos and photos that illustrate the impact of digital innovation

Enhancing Women’s Economic Empowerment Through Digital Cash Transfers - Digitize/Direct/Design: The D3 Criteria

Is digitizing cash transfer programs to poor women the answer to closing the gender gap?

Risk-Based Supervision in Low-Capacity Environments

Considerations for enabling financial inclusion

Charting the Customer Journey in the Digital Age

Addressing technical, operational and regulatory challenges to provide a streamlined journey

European Microfinance Award 2018: Financial Inclusion Through Technology - Digital Pathways in Financial Inclusion

Highlighting how technology-enabled services are improving access to finance for low-income clients

Improving Distribution of Digital Financial Services in Rural Areas

Research highlight on rural agents in Senegal

A New Banking Model for Africa: Lessons on Digitization From Four Years of Operations

A guide to support financial institutions embarking on their digital transformation