All Publications

Showing 111 - 120 of 635

Better Practice Guidance on Women’s Digital Financial Capability

This document outlines four steps to work through when designing approaches to women’s digital financial capability: Diagnose, Design, Deliver, and Document.


Beyond Wage Digitization: Financial Capability and Economic Empowerment of Cambodian Women Migrant Workers

Findings from a survey of 2,781 participants providing an analysis of the levels of financial awareness, financial behaviors, and economic empowerment of women factory workers in Cambodia.

Case Study

The Digital Journey of Shakti Foundation for Disadvantaged Women (SME Loans): A Lesson for Progressive MFIs in Bangladesh

This case study charts how Shakti Foundation for Disadvantaged Women utilized technology to grow its SME portfolio and enhance cost and time efficiency.


Women & Money: Insights and a Path to Close the Gender Gap

This paper presents research findings on the key challenges women face in accessing digital financial services and the design opportunities for the financial sector, policymakers and regulators, the philanthropic sector, NGOs, and designers everywhere.


A Digital Bookkeeping App to Improve Access to Finance: A Case Study from Ghana

This case study shares more on the design of the app predicting credit risk to provide young entrepreneurs with affordable capital,  and initial lessons learned for practitioners.


Innovating Digital Financial Services for Posts

Through services innovations, Posts can help achieve changes in the financial lives of their customers, and ultimately, positively impact low-income populations. This study identifies approaches and practices that can guide Posts in their innovation journey.


Policy Framework on the Regulation, Licensing and Supervision of Digital Banks

This framework provides guidance to regulators and policymakers contemplating strategies regarding digital banks, with a view of promoting financial inclusion.


Savings and Retail Banking in Africa: A Case Study on Digital Platforms Serving the Agricultural Sector

This case study looks at a variety of African agricultural platform providers and more closely at three platform models: bank-led, fintech-led and telco-led.

Case Study

Case Studies of Multisectoral Approaches to Integrating Digital Financial Services for Women’s Financial Inclusion

This case study explores whether the use of DFS can be used to accelerate women’s financial inclusion and reduce gender inequality in sectors other than financial service - health, agriculture and MSME. 

Guide / Toolkit

Digital Financial Literacy for ASEAN Policy Note

The objective of this policy note is to identify and explore current practices in the implementation of digital financial literacy in the national context and provide best practices and recommendations to AFI members.