
How to Sell Microinsurance via Smartphones: Experiences from a First Deployment in South Africa

Paper presented at "8th ACM SIGMOBILE Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM'10)"
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This paper examines the applicability of smartphones as an interaction tool in the microinsurance sales process. It is based on an experimental smartphone based sales process, proof of concept event and focus group discussions.

The paper states that delivery of microinsurance products at low costs is crucial and may not be achieved through traditional agent based models. It suggests the use of mobile technology to support the traditional models. The paper examines the following aspects of using smartphones in microinsurance sales:

  • Implementation of microinsurance sales through smartphones;
  • Perception of sales agents and customers;
  • Potential improvements to the process.

The study revealed that though smartphones acted as an eye-catcher, customers seemed to prefer tangible paper brochures. The paper suggests that while the sales of microinsurance can be successfully supported by smartphones, printed product information should be used to build customers’ trust.

About this Publication

By von Watzdorf, S., Michahelles, F.