
Vietnam: Decree 165/2007/ND-CP

Decree to amend some of the provisions in law governing microfinance institutions in Vietnam
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This decree amends, supplements, and repeals some of the provisions in an earlier decree from 2005 (Decree number 28/2005/ND-CP). Point d, Item 2 of Articles 13, 20, and 36 was repealed. The following articles have been amended, supplemented or both:

  • Article 2 – Items 3, 5, 6, 7;
  • Article 3 – Legal capital;
  • Article 5 – Item 2;
  • Article 6 – Types of business, capital contribution, and transfer of capital contribution;
  • Article 8 – Item 7;
  • Article 9 – Item 7;
  • Article 12 – Point d, Item 1;
  • Article 16 – Organizational structure of microfinance institutions;
  • Article 22 – Item 1;
  • Article 27 – Limits of credit activities and regulations on operation safety;
  • Article 30 – Accounting;
  • Article 37 – Item 12.

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