
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Survey of District Central Cooperatives Banks (DCCB) and Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in India

Examining uptake of technology in MFIs
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This survey examines the extent of usage of information and communication technologies (ICT) such as personal computers, mobile phones, the internet and software applications in MFIs and cooperative banks in rural India. The survey included 160 District Central Cooperative Banks (DCCBs) and 50 MFIs across rural India. Principal findings include:

  • Computerization levels are much higher at all levels in MFIs than in DCCBs;
  • MFIs are more often connected to the Internet and use faster connections;
  • Most widely used applications in DCCBs and MFIs are for internal accounting, staff pay roll, loan and deposit tracking;
  • Innovations are found among MFIs as well as DCCBs;
  • Levels of ICT literacy vary among different institutions with MFI staff members being more comfortable with computer applications;
  • Both, DCCBs and MFIs, seek ICT support from outside organizations;
  • Computerization was accorded higher priority in MFIs.

Finally, the main constraints to ICT broadening in DCCBs and MFIs have to do with lack of training and knowledge.

About this Publication

By Gupta, S., Rizvi, H., Dearden, A., Polzin, C., Fu, X., Matthews, P.