
Mobile Phones Delivering Microloans

Examines the use of mobile technology for microlending in a scalable and cost effective manner
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This paper describes Suvidhas aim to extend the outreach of micorfinace services through its Swift mobile transaction platform (Suvidha is Citibanks zero balance debit card). The paper states that:

  • Although mobile telecom in India has already reached where other sectors are yet to reach, its penetration is only 10%;
  • Delivery of capital in a scalable and cost-effective manner is one of the challenges that microfinance faces today;
  • Suvidha aims to paly a role in this area by engaging unemployed women, as Beam Mobile Entrepreneurs;
  • Banks, MFIs, RRBs, SCBs and NBFCs can partner with Suvidha to:
    • Supplement their extension banking services;
    • Manage both inbound and outbound payments through the network of Beam Mobile Entrepreneurs.
  • Suvidhas Swift technology platform uses:
  • SMS to perform both inbound as well as out bound transactions;
  • A network of Beam Mobile Entrepreneur women to provide the front end services;
  • Beam, which is a stored value prepaid card that consumers purchase for using services.

The paper concludes with an outline of Suvidhas future plans to provide microfinance products, International Money Transfer services and micro-payments transaction management services.

About this Publication

By Shrivastav, A.